All About Yoga, Basic knowledge of Yoga

What is Yoga

Yoga is a spiritual process practiced in India and Nepal in which the work of bringing the body, mind and soul together (yoga). This word - process and perception - is related to meditation process in Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. The word Yoga has spread with Buddhism from India to China, Japan, Tibet, South East Asia and Sri Lanka as well and people are familiar with it at all times in this civilized world.After so much fame, the United Nations General Assembly has recognized 21 June every year as World Yoga Day on 11 December 2014 for the first time. The definition should be such that it is free from imprecision and superfluity defects, to describe such a symptom of the meaning of the word yoga which is suitable for every context and is not suitable for anything other than yoga. The Bhagavad Gita is considered to be the reputed text. The word yoga has been used many times in it, sometimes alone and sometimes in particular, such as Buddhayoga, Sanyasayoga, Karmayoga. The names Bhakti Yoga and Hatha Yoga have also become popular during the Vedas period. Patanjali comes to see the word Kriya Yoga in Yogadarshan. Words like Pashupat Yoga and Maheshwar Yoga also have references. The meanings of the word Yoga in all these places are different from each other, but it is clear from looking at different types of experiments that it is difficult to define yoga.


The word 'yoga' is derived by applying the suffix 'hh' to the yuga samadhau atmanapadi divadi metal. Thus the meaning of the word 'yoga' is samadhi means the removal of the mind. By the way, the word 'yoga' is also derived from 'Yujir Yoga' and 'Yuj sanyamne' metal, but then in this case the meaning of the word Yoga will be sum, addition and regulation respectively. In Yoga further, we will see that Yoga has also been said about the soul and God.

In the Gita, Shri Krishna has said at a place, 'Yoga: Karmasu Kaushalam' (Efficiency in deeds is Yoga.) This sentence is not the definition of Yoga. Some scholars are of the opinion that the joining of the soul and God is called Yoga. It takes great objection to accept that even Buddhists, who do not accept the authority of God, behave the word Yoga and support Yoga. The same can be said for the communists who consider the authority of God to be imperfect. In Yogadarshan, Pantjali, which has given the definition as 'Yogashtantavritti nirodha', is the name of the prevention of the chrittis. This sentence can have two meanings: Yoga is the name of the state of detention of the mind, or the remedy to bring this state is called Yoga.

But many scholars have objected to this definition. He says that the name of the flow of Chittavaritas is Chitta. Complete detention would mean the complete omission of the existence of the mind, the removal of all the memories and rituals of the mind. If this happens then it will not be possible to rise from the tomb. Because no sacrament would be left to support that condition, the destiny would have been burnt. If possible, what will be the meaning of this sentence of Shri Krishna? Yogastha: Situated in Kuru Karmani, yoga and do karma. There can be no karma in the antithesis and in that state no sanskars can be performed, memories cannot be made, which are helpful in performing karma after getting up from samadhi.

In short, the meaning is that it is not very easy to understand the classical form of yoga, its philosophical basis, in a proper way. The monotheist who believes the world to be false also supports him in the name of Nididhyahna. The Atheistic Sankhya scholar also approves it. Not only Buddhists, Muslim Sufis and Christian Mystics also somehow manage to reconcile them with the beliefs and philosophical principles of their sect.

How can there be such coordination among these different philosophical ideologies that such a ground can be found on which the wall of yoga can be built, this is a very interesting question but much time is needed for its discussion. Here it is necessary to think a little about the process whose outline we find in Patanjali's formulas. With a little word, this process is valid for all communities that support the practice of yoga.

(1) According to the Patanjal Yoga philosophy - Yogashtantvritta Nirodha: (1/2) That is the prevention of the practice of the mind.
(2) According to the Sankhya philosophy - Purushprakrityorviogei yogayatyamidhyate. That is, yoga is to be located in the person's self, by establishing the person and the nature of nature.
(3) According to Vishnupurana - Yoga: coincidence so-called: Yoga is the complete union of Jivatma Paramatman ie Jeevatma and Paramatma.
(4) According to the Bhagavad Gita - Siddhasiddho SamoBhutva Samatvam Yoga High (2/48) means to have harmony in all the duality like sorrow-happiness, profit-gain, enemy-friend, cold and warm.
(5) According to the Bhagavad Gita - Tasmadayogayayujyasva Yoga: Karmasu Kaushalam i.e. Kartavya Karma is not a mortgagor, hence the skill of doing duty is redirected by the spirit of Nishkam.
(4) According to Acharya Haribhadra - Mokkhane Joyanao Savvo V Dhamma Vavharo Jogo is all the practice yoga connecting to Moksha.
(4) According to Buddhism - Kushal Chittagaggata Yoga: means concentration of skilled mind.

Yoga History

  The tapasya tapas (Sanskrit) under the Vedic codes ((Kal | Brahman)) are mentioned in the Vedas since ancient times (900 to 500 B.C.E.), while the incorporation of Tapasic practices is found in ancient Vedic commentaries. [ 1] Many sculptures that display common yoga or samadhi mudras have been found in place of the Indus Valley Civilization (c.3300–1700 B.C.E.). According to archaeologist Gregory Pössehl, "these statues point to the connection of yoga to the religious rites of yoga". [2] Although there is no conclusive evidence of this, many pundits consider the Indus Valley civilization and the relationship of yoga-meditation [3]

The practice of attaining higher enlightenment in meditation was developed by Shramanic traditions and by the tradition of Upanishads. [4]

There is no concrete evidence about meditation in the ancient and ancient Brahminic texts of the Buddha, based on the sentences of the two Buddha's teachers towards the goals of meditation, Vayana argues that the method of Nirguna meditation originated from the Brahmin tradition, hence the Upanishads. There is a similarity in the sayings towards the creation and in the sayings for the goals of meditation. [5] This may or may not be possible. [6]

In the Upanishads, the cosmic statements of cosmic statements argue for the possibility of the practice of a meditation, saying that the Narada Sukta also points towards a meditation method even before the Rig Veda. [7]

Hindu texts and Buddhist texts are one of the ancient texts that describe meditation techniques. [8] They describe the practices and stages of meditation that existed before the Buddha as well as those practices. Which first flourished within Buddhism. [9] In Hinduism, the word "yoga" was first introduced in the Katha Upanishad where it is used in the sense of control of the senses and prevention of mental activity, which has been thought to provide the highest status. [10] Important texts related to the concept of Yoga They are the Middle Ages Upanishads, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita 200 BCE) and Patanjali Yoga Sutras. (ca. 400 BCE)

Famous Yoga Guru Of  India

By the way, yoga has always been our ancient heritage. Yoga has become world famous over time as well, after knowing its importance, yoga has become an integral part of people's routine today. But the world famous yoga teachers have also contributed to the promotion of yoga, of which the names of Ayyangar Yoga founder BKS Ayyangar Swami Shivanand and Yogaguru Ramdev are more famous. [72]

BKS Anyagar

Main article: BKS Iyengar
Iyengar is considered one of the leading yoga gurus in the world and also wrote several books on the philosophy of yoga, including 'Light on Yoga', 'Light on Pranayama' and 'Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali'. [73] Iyengar was born on 14 December 1918 in a poor family in Bellur. It is said that Iyengar used to be very ill in childhood. When he was not well, he was advised to do yoga and from then on he started doing yoga. Iyengar is called the father of 'Iyengar Yoga'. He spread this yoga in the country and the world. He died on 20 August 2014 due to shortness of breath. [74]

Baba Ramdev

Main article: Baba Ramdev
Baba Ramdev is an Indian yoga guru, he has contributed in the field of Yogasan and Pranayama Yoga. Ramdev himself conducts yoga camps from place to place.


Yoga day

Main article: International Yoga Day
On 21 June 2015, the first International Day of Yoga was celebrated. On this occasion Yoga Day was organized in 192 countries and 47 Muslim countries. As many as 35965 people practiced together in Delhi, in which representatives from 84 countries were present. On this occasion, India has made two world records and has registered its name in the 'Guinness Book of World Records'. The first record was made to do yoga with the most people at one place, and the second to do yoga for the people of most countries together. [75]

Importance of yoga

In present times people do yoga to get satisfaction due to their busy lifestyle. Yoga not only removes stress of a person, but also brings peace to mind and brain. Yoga is very beneficial. Yoga not only gives strength to our brain, brain but also purifies our soul. Today many people are troubled by obesity, yoga is very beneficial for them. The benefits of yoga are known today, due to which yoga is also famous abroad.

Yoga goal

The goal of yoga ranges from improving health to attaining moksha (the soul's experience of God). [76] Jainism, the monist sect of the Advaita Vedanta and the goal of yoga takes the form of salvation at the intersection of the Shaiva Sampradaya, all worldly. There is a liberation from the cycle of suffering and birth and death (samsara), at that moment there is a feeling of symmetry with the Supreme Brahman. In the Mahabharata, the goal of yoga is described as Brahma's entry into the world, as Brahmā, or experiencing the Atman which pervades all things. [77]

Mircha Eliyade says about yoga that it is not just a physical exercise, but also a spiritual technique. [78] Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan writes that samadhi contains the following elements: vitarka, thought, bliss and asmita. [79].

Some Picture Of Ancient Yra.

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