Weight loss by yoga-
Obesity is a very deadly disease for mankind.
Half of the people are fat and half are thin in the whole world.
Half of the people are getting more food and half of the people are getting less.
Hunger and malnutrition is the biggest problem in the world,
more people are dying of hunger and malnutrition than they are dying from other diseases.
Many times, people of malnutrition also become capable people. who do not know the right method, they are not able to get the right amount of nutritious food, and they also become malnourished.
Obesity is a very deadly disease for mankind.
Many diseases are born due to obesity.
Half of the people are fat and half are thin in the whole world.
Half of the people are getting more food and half of the people are getting less.
Hunger and malnutrition is the biggest problem in the world,
more people are dying of hunger and malnutrition than they are dying from other diseases.
Many times, people of malnutrition also become capable people. who do not know the right method, they are not able to get the right amount of nutritious food, and they also become malnourished.
Obesity is a very deadly disease for mankind.
Many diseases are born due to obesity.
Reason of obesity
There are many reasons for being obese, obesity can happen for any reason. - I am going to tell you some important reasons.
1. thyroid cause obesity
2. Obesity due to over dieting
3. Obesity due to genetics
4. Obesity due to drugs and operation
5. Due to unbalanced hormones
6. due to less physical activities.
Some important measures to get rid of obesity-
Sleeping on time-
If you really want to lose weight, then you have to decide your bedtime. Because the metabolism of the body is affected due to not sleeping on time. Obesity increases because of poor metabolic rate and does not decrease. When you sleep on time, your digestive system improves.
Obesity is easy to overcome with the right digestive system.
Hot water and lemon
If you have become a victim of obesity, then you should drink lemon juice mixed with warm water in the morning in your daily life. By the way, this is the most discussed home remedy. But when you are trying to lose weight, then everything holds its place.
Drinking lemon mixed with warm water makes your digestive system healthy. Together, the inflammation of your bowels also decreases. If you have a lot of stomach fat then it is beneficial for you. If you want to reduce belly fat, then you should add lemon juice in warm water and consume it daily in the morning.
Some important Yoga to reduce obesity
1. Running or jogging
Running or jogging plays the most important role in reducing obesity. But when it is done correctly.
Do at least 40 to 30 minutes of running daily in the morning.
Those who do not have a place to run, can do it by standing at the same place.
Initially, it can be done for 15 to 20 minutes.
Nowadays some people use the machine to do it, which also has the same benefit.
* Some people go for jogging in the morning but they walk very slow which has no effect in weight loss.
*Some important yoga that you should know
2. Trikonasana (The triangle pose)
method of doing
First of all, stand up straight. Draw a distance of two to two and a half feet between the two legs. Now bend the waist slowly to the left and touch the toes of the left foot with the fingers of the left hand. Place the right hands very near the head with temples. Now bend the waist to the right and touch the toes of the right foot with the fingers of the right hand. Place the left hand in the line of the head near the temples. Make this action equal on both sides. While doing this asana, bend only the upper part of the body. Keep elbows and knees straight and taut.
Although all yogasans have many benefits, but we will discuss about weight loss only.
This yoga posture reduces the side fat of our body. And makes the waist thinner. It should be done 20 to 25 times in the beginning
This asana helps in proper functioning of the excretory system helping in removing the waste matter that gets
accumulated in the body.
Shoulders and wrists get strengthened in this asana. It also stimulates the abdominal organs potentially improving the health of ovaries, prostate gland, kidneys and bladder. This posture helps relieve lower back pain.
4. Konasana (The angle pose)
method of doing
Stand straight with feet hip-width apart and place your arms next to the body.
Breathe in and raise your left arm so that the fingers point towards the ceiling.
Breathe out and bend to the right.
First bend from the spine then move your pelvis to the left and bend a bit more. While doing this, keep your left arm pointing upwards.
Turn your head to look up at the left palm and straighten your elbows.
Breathing in, straighten the body back.
Breathing out, bring your left arm down.
Now repeat the steps with your right arm.
Its benefit is similar to that of Trigonasana.
4. Padahastasana.
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method of doing.
To do Padahastasana yoga, you should stand on it by laying a yoga mat on the floor.
You can also stand in Tadasana to do Padahastasana Yoga.
Now keep both your hands straight downwards and look at the front.
Then slowly move both your hands above the head and join them together.
Now leaving your breath outward, bend the body from here at the waist and bend down.
Keep in mind that keep your torso, that is, your upper part straight, just turn from here to the waist.
Remove both your hands from the waist and try to touch the ground.
Allow your head to hang in an independent position and do not let your neck stretch.
Now try to connect the head with your feet and wrap both your hands in the feet.
According to your ability, stay in this position for a few seconds and breathe 5-6 times.
Now take your breath in for your initial arrival, keep your waist straight.
If you are troubled by the problem of cytica, do not do this asana.
If you are suffering from back pain, do not do this asana.
If you have pain in your thighs or hamstrings, then you should avoid doing this yoga.
Pregnant women must consult a doctor before performing this asana.
Padahasthasana yoga is very beneficial to improve digestion and increase metabolic activity. The digestive system of the stomach is the cause of almost all diseases occurring in our body. If you do Padahastasana Yoga, then in a way, your stomach is massaged and it makes the functioning of the stomach more active.
Back muscle pain can be cured through this exercise
, stretches and opens out the muscle rigidity.
Stomach pressure is good for your digestive matters in this yogasana..
5. Pawan muktasana
method of doing
To practice Pawanmuktasana, first of all lie down on your back. After this, you spread both legs and reduce the distance between them. Now raise both legs and bend your knees. After this, with the help of your hands, hold it near your calves below the knee. Now exhale, bring the knees towards the chest. Raise the head and bring the knees close to the chest, so that the chin will touch the knees. Stop at this stage for a while. After this, bring the feet to the ground while breathing.
Take caution
While practicing Pawanmuktasana it is very important to keep some things in mind. First of all, if you have a hernia or cytica problem, then avoid doing this asana. Apart from this, it is not advisable to practice this asana even during pregnancy, backache or back injury. On the other hand, if you are doing yoga for the first time, then practice it under the supervision of a trainer.
its benefits
One of the biggest benefits of Pawanmuktasan is that it relieves stomach gas and constipation problems.
In addition, it is helpful in reducing abdominal fat. By doing regular practice of Pawanmuktasana, the fat is gradually reduced.
This asana is also extremely beneficial for the spine. The practice of this asana makes the spine strong and flexible.
If you want to keep your lungs healthy then practice Pawanmuktasan. Apart from this, it also keeps your heart good.
Pawanmuktasan improves blood circulation in the body and also improves the performance of internal organs.
Special notes-
While doing yoga, you should take long breaths because the more oxygen goes inside our mitochondria, the more mitochondria generate energy. And the energy that comes from yoga burns that fat.
All of you must know that the whole world does something for profit.
And the most benefit can be from yoga and meditation only.
The biggest benefit is to keep our own body and mind healthy.
Special notes-
While doing yoga, you should take long breaths because the more oxygen goes inside our mitochondria, the more mitochondria generate energy. And the energy that comes from yoga burns that fat.
All of you must know that the whole world does something for profit.
And the most benefit can be from yoga and meditation only.
The biggest benefit is to keep our own body and mind healthy.
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